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The Association of Processors and Exporters of Dried Fruits and Vegetables of Uzbekistan was created in 2023 with the assistance of the International Trade Centre Project (ITC, UNCTAD/WTO), funded by the Government of Switzerland (SECO) and today unites more than 35 enterprises - producers, processors, and exporters of fruits and vegetables from all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Founded in 2023 with the support of the ITC Project, funded by the Government of Switzerland (SECO), our association currently unites over 35 enterprises comprising producers, processors, and exporters of fruits and vegetables from all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. 

Main Goals:

The main goal of creating the Association is to promote the development and improvement of the industry of production of dried and processed agricultural products, increase the efficiency of producers, create the most favorable conditions for the activities of members, ensure the protection of their rights, represent their legitimate interests in state, non-state and international institutions and organizations and provide them comprehensive assistance in achieving the goals of the activity.




©2025 Association of processors and exporters of fruits and vegetables of Uzbekistan (UZPEX)

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